Office & Fuel Bay: 01384 221350
Air Traffic: 01384 221378
After Hours Flying
Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport permits flights after hours (where there is no air traffic service unit or RFFS available).
Pilots wishing to use the airport outside of published hours must complete an Out of Hours Permit (found below) and follow the published conditions.
On completion of the flight the pilot must complete an Aircraft Movement Log (found below). This should be carried out within 24 hours of the flight.
Airport Operating Hours
Summer (BST): 0900 Hours - 1800 Hours
Winter (GMT): 0900 Hours - 1700 Hours
Out of Hours Permit Form
Please read and sign this form and return it to the Air Traffic Service Unit in person or by emailing atc@wolverhamptonairport.co.uk
You will be given a permit (e.g. 2024-04).
Pilots must not fly out of hours without their permit being processed by the ATSU.
Log an Out of Hours Flight
After completing an out of hours flight, pilots must send the movement details to the ATSU. It's a legal requirement for the ATSU to record movement data of all flights departing Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport.
After Hours Flying Terms & Conditions
Holders of valid permits may use the Airport outside published hours, subject to the following conditions:
The permit is valid for flight in VMC only between 0700 local and sunset as determined at the Airport. The sunset time is available from ATS or by Googling “Sunset Halfpenny Green”.
All out of hours flights are strictly PPR from ATS during normal ATS hours. If the airfield is closed, this must be gained from the Airport Accountable Manager. The pilot will be advised of any known restrictions to Airport use. It is incumbent on the pilot to brief himself fully prior to the flight.
The aircraft must carry a serviceable radio. Make blind transmissions addressed to ‘Halfpenny Green Traffic’ on 123.005 while on the ground and in the vicinity of the Airport, broadcasting positions and intentions (including the runway you are using on each transmission in the circuit).
Rule 17 (2) of the Rules of the Air requires that notice of flights is given to the person in charge. When Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport is closed you must abide by this rule by notifying ATS of:
Your actual times of departure/arrival.
Your destination, point of departure and runway(s) used.
Pilots must submit the Aircraft Movement Form within 24 hours at:
Due to the time that can be spent tracing unknown flights, all out of hours flights not notified to us as above may incur a £25 administration fee.
Use the runway aligned closest into wind. If a larger aircraft has to use a different runway, others should clear the circuit until any such operation is completed. If the wind is calm use runway 34.
Join the circuit using the standard overhead join procedure from 2000ft. If the cloud base prevents this, broadcast your position and intentions clearly.
Practice forced landings and a training circuit i.e. touch and goes or go-arounds, are not permitted except when necessary for safety reasons.
Pilots should be aware of the possibility of non-radio equipped maintenance vehicles which may be driven by people with relatively little aviation experience and which may cross runways and taxiways.
Pilots should be aware that the Police Helicopter may still operate at any time to the airfield and may not follow normal circuit procedures
Pilots should make their own arrangements for the initiating of overdue action on inbound VFR flight plans. Consult ATS if you need further information.
The Airport authority will withdraw ‘Out of Hours permit’ for any aircraft, operator or pilot that fails without good reason to comply with these conditions. Aircraft are not authorised to operate after hours from Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport without a permit.
Pilot Acceptance
I understand and accept that:
In the event of my aircraft using Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport outside the published hours of operation of the aerodrome I understand that Air Traffic Services and Rescue and Fire Fighting Services will not be available, and the Airport will not be operated within the provision of Article 211 of the Air Navigation Order (Licensing of Aerodromes).
No claim will be made against Wolverhampton Airport Limited or any of their servants or agents, in respect of any loss or damage to property which may be suffered during such use.
This permit may be withdrawn if I fail to follow the published Conditions of Out of Hours Use.
This permit is not valid until signed on behalf of Wolverhampton Airport. This form is to be renewed yearly from the 1st January.