Office & Fuel Bay: 01384 221350
Air Traffic: 01384 221378
Night Flying
Night flying is to start on Thursday 31st October 2024 and conclude on Thursday 27th March 2025.
Night flying is to take place on every Thursday only. Fridays will not be used as bad weather days.
Night flying will start at 17:00L and finish at 21:00L.
Night flying will cost £30.00 per flight.
This cost is for each flight. Starting another flight or sending students solo will incur an additional night flying charge.
Payments must be paid in the tower on that day. Any flights not paid for will have an invoice sent to the flying school / aircraft owner.
You must notify ATS by 14:30 Local on the Thursday to book in. This must be done via telephone at 01384 221378.
A decision will be made by airport management at 15:00L, which shall be promulgated to interested parties and rostered night staff.